Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long has Piping Alloys USA, Inc. been in business?
A: Piping Alloys USA, Inc. celebrated its 39th year as a leading supplier to our customers with stainless steel pipe, valves, and fittings.Q: Do you only stock Stainless Steel?
A: Even though 95% of our inventory is stainless steel products we do carry some nickel-alloy, aluminum, carbon steel and brass fittings.Q: Does Piping Alloys, Inc. have a delivery service?
A: Each of our three distribution centers has multiple trucks to deliver quality products with on-time accuracy. We can typically deliver stock items same day.Q: What kind of payments does Piping Alloys, Inc. accept?
A: Piping Alloys USA, Inc. accepts all major credit cards, personal and company checks. If you would like to become a frequent customer of ours you can fill out a Credit Application Form, which is located in the downloads section.Contact us today to speak with an expert about your specific questions or needs.